Well, I was (properly) goaded by enough people the past couple weeks about the hot rod and this blog that I thought I'd get off my keister and check in. Although this is not on my car (yeah, yeah, I hear ya; I'm gettin' on it this week - honest!) it IS car related. Specifically, my uncle (yeah, you know - that guy with all the cool cars and parts; my mentor) and I recently dragged home a barn (garage) find 1949 (Kaiser) Frazer Manhattan with 28,000 original miles on the odometer. Somewhat ugly, orphan make car, but a cool find nonetheless.
I'll let the pics do the talking, as I get back in the habit of this blog posting thing. And, to complete the thought above about me getting back in the garage: I finally got the flywheel, clutch disc (9-1/2") and pressure plate, just awaiting the pilot bushing (my friend advises me to use that rather than a bearing - no moving parts therefore no running dry, noise, and possible seizing). And, I've picked Thursdays as my Night in the Garage standing appointment. Of course, my Grandma (who knows me well) said, "We'll see how long THAT lasts!" Thanks, Grandma.
Oh, in case you've entirely forgotten what I'm working on, during my long absence from the sub-etha, the picture at the top of this post is the most recent photo of Twice Lucky, my '26 Model T roadster. If you're semi-astute, you'll get the name, but here's a link back to my first post to shed a little more light, if you'd like.